Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! A Beautiful Day!

Living God,
in the light of a new day we give thanks for life,
in the light of Easter morning we give thanks for new life.
We celebrate with joy, the stone rolled away,
the empty tomb, and meeting Jesus.

We remember the womn, grief stricken and fearful,
running to tell the disciples the news.
We remember disciples, running to see for themselves,
stopping and stooping, peering into the tomb,
returning home amazed.

We come to you, sometimes sorrowful, sometimes breathless.
We may find puzzling mystery, bewildering emptiness,
and messengers questioning 'why?'

We pray that through remembering what we have heard,
listening to you calling our name,
and sharing together what it all means,
we may return home ready to be witnesses
to your love that does not die.

This prayer was taken from the United Reformed Church's prayer handbook 2016 'hidden in plain sight''
Written by Simon Walkling, based on John 20:1-18 and Luke 24:1-12

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