Prayer for the Week

When the world was dark and the town was quiet, you came.
You crept in beside us.
And no-one knew.
Only the few who dared to believe that God might do something different.

Will you do the same this Christmas, Lord?
Will you do the same this New Year?

Will you come into the darkness of today’s world?
Not the friendly darkness, as when sleep rescues us from tiredness,
But the fearful darkness, in which people have stopped believing
that war will end
or that food will come
or that cries for justice will be heard,
that the world will become a better place?

Will you come into that darkness and do something different,
To save your people from death and despair?

Will you come into the quietness of our town?
Not the friendly quietness, as when lovers hold hands,
But the fearful silence
when the phone has not rung,
the Christmas card or letter has not come,
the friendly voice no longer speaks,
when the doctor’s face says it all?
Will you come into that darkness and do something different,
Not to distract, but to embrace your people, who need your love and care?
Will you come into the dark corners and quiet places of our own lives?
As the end of the year has passed, we look back with mixed emotions.

At the beginning of a new year we remember 2010.

For some this was a good year
They enjoyed good health;
Their lives prospered and their expectations fulfilled.
Will you come into that contentment and help them to truly give thanks,
Remembering that not everyone has shared their blessings?

For others, the past year was disastrous.
Their carefully laid plans fell apart
Their decisions proved to be the wrong ones
They endured sorrows and life left them angry and confused
Will you come into that anger and confusion and help them to recognise that you have still walked beside them, giving them the courage to keep on?

In this the first week of the New Year
What can we wish that this week, that this year, may bring to us?
Nothing that shall make the world of others poorer, nothing at the expense of others; but just those few things which in their coming do not stop with us but touch us, as they pass and gather strength:

• A few friends who understand us, and yet remain our friends.
• A work to do which has real value without which the world would
feel the poorer.
• A mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail not be blazed.
• An understanding heart.
• A sight of the eternal hills and unbelting sea and of something
beautiful the individual hand has made.
• A sense of humour and the power to laugh.
• A little leisure with nothing to do.
• A few moments of quiet, silent meditation.
• The sense of the presence of God.
• And the patience to wait for the coming of these things, with
the wisdom to know them when they come.

Lord, be with us today and always.
Be our Light, our Guide and our Comforter.
Be our Strength, our Courage and our Sanctifier.
May this New Year be a time of deep spiritual growth for us,
A time of welcoming Your graces and gifts,
A time for forgiving freely and unconditionally,
A time for growing in virtue and goodness.

When the world was dark and the town was quiet, you came.
You crept in beside us.
Do the same this Christmas, Lord.
Do the same this New Year. Amen